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Night Raven - starting this week!


Hi everyone! Here is some practical information about patrolling (night raven) ahead and how you can sign up. This is a golden opportunity to learn more about our neighborhood and contribute to creating good living conditions for our children in Slettebakken. It is also a good initiative for us parents to get to know each other better.

The patrolling will take place on Tuesdays and Fridays this spring from April 14, 2023, to June 20, 2023. The shifts will be from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. We will meet at Slettebakken school. There will be six people from each school per shift, plus one person to be indoors.

A shift works like this:

  • One person will be indoors and will arrive a little earlier than the others to prepare for the evening. This person will provide information about the plan and show those who will be outside where to go and who to walk with.

  • The patrol members will get jackets/vests and a bag with some equipment that can be used if necessary. Together, we will have a cup of coffee before we go for a walk in our neighborhood.

  • The point is that we should be visible and possibly have a chat with young people/children we meet on our way. We should not be either police or security guards. Our main job is to be visible, have a chat, and possibly notify other authorities if we observe things that are not okay (someone who needs help, signs of violence, or similar).

  • We will meet at the end at Slettebakken school and have a chat about how the evening went and if there is anything that needs to be followed up.

At Slettebakken school, parents from all grades can participate in patrolling. My wish is that we start with those who are eager to participate, regardless of grade - this way we spread the good message to more people. This is voluntary, but a good investment in our children. Therefore, we will proceed in this way;

Parents can contact Marith Hauglid (mother at Slettebakken skole) directly by email at or phone 917 05 963, and she will sign you up for a shift and provide more information. Marith will attend all shifts in April, and has taken on an extra responsibility to get this started properly and help with immediate questions and uncertainties.

The shifts are:

Fredag 14.04.23

Tirsdag 18.04.23

Fredag 21.04.23

Tirsdag 25.04.23

Fredag 28.04.23

Tirsdag 02.05.23

Fredag 05.05.23

Tirsdag 09.05.23

Fredag 12.05.23

Tirsdag 16.05.23

Fredag 19.05.23

Tirsdag 23.05.23

Fredag 26.05.23

Tirsdag 30.05.23

Fredag 02.06.23

Tirsdag 06.06.23

Fredag 09.06.23

Tirsdag 13.06.23

Fredag 16.06.23

Tirsdag 20.06.23

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