Working groups
FAU is working to create various working groups where parents can work on concrete initiatives and areas to improve everyday life for pupils.
Feel free to get in touch if you would like to contribute to a working group.

Art and culture

Sewing courses, shaping or exciting cultural experiences. The possibilities are many. Here we have some committed parents who want to contribute. Get in touch if you also want to join.

The school has a music room next to the gymnasium, which can be used as a practice room.
Feel free to get in touch if you would like to help create a music group to facilitate band rehearsals, music training or the like.
School environment

What can we do to take care of a good school environment and prevent bullying and exclusion? Here, as parents, we can collaborate with the school and make a positive difference. Please get in touch if you would like to join.
May 17 Committee

The 5th grade at the school is responsible for planning the 17 May activities. Here, parents at the stage will be involved in the practical and will have a good opportunity to get to know each other better.